I truly believe in working alone and NEVER relying on other people, bureaucrats, politics, sociopaths, etc
I am so confident in Grassmann.jl that I will never change my course away from what I already started.
I may never have a retirement or family, I may never live in a society that funds and supports productivity.
I fully believe in myself and the work I do, regardless of how little financial support I receive, regardless of all the attacks against me to stop my work.
I know what work to do, I know what’s best. I have no confidence in someone else assigning me work.
If somebody tells me to work on something else because of politics, i unkindly tell them to go to hell.
These idiot bureaucrats have no business dictating what kind of work I should do, since their position was earned through corruption and politics.
I keep on doing because I am undoubtedly the best computational geometric algebra developer in the world at the moment, and i prefer to continue doing my best work instead of being paid to be mediocre.
Certainly, I won’t have a retirement fund or a family, but I completely lost interest in being part of a corrupt system of bureaucrats, so my life just isn’t on that path. I’m gonna keep telling bureaucrats to go to hell, since they are counter productive sociopaths with no real skills except sociopathy and parasitism.
Chris Doran probably got that imposter syndrome, since he knows he can never measure up to Grassmann.jl by now, and he’s getting paid to compete against me. Grassmann.jl will always be further along, even though I have zero budget.
I am not weighed down by bureaucracy or a family.
People like Chris Doran will never measure up to me.