The nilpotent extra dimension in R(2,0,1)

Hi everybody! I am new in this fantastic forum.

I have a question concerning the wonderful talk at SIGGRAPH2019 from Charles Gunn and Steven De Keninck.

What are the benefits of an explicit dimension with e0^2=0.

In Geometric Algebra over R^2 (with e1 and e2 as basis), i can define a bivector e1e2 for rotation, furthermore i can ad a vector to the bivector to build a nilpotent element like e0:=e1+ e1e2 with e0^2=0. So i need at least no extra dimension for mapping a vector along a straight line by an exponential function…

I guess the extra dimension simplifies other operations like the meet operation etc. Is there a simple mathematical argument for the extra dimension?

Best regards

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You cannot rotate around an arbitrary point, so you do not have all rotations in the Euclidean motions. For that, and the translations that involves, you will need a bit more. And the extra null dimension provides it precisely.
You can also see the motions as double reflections in general lines. To characterize a line in 2D, you need 3 homogeneous parameters. Anyway, contains material elucidating this, see the sections on 2D PGA and 3D PGA.

Thank you very much for answering my question! I know your great book, what an honor!

At least in principle i can rotate around an arbitrary point by composing three exponential function to translate, rotate, translate… it will take more calculation time than using 2D PGA, i guess. Is this a crucial argument for using an additional dimension?

Your hint with double reflection is also an interesting point, i have to play a little bit with a 2x2 matrix representation of Clifford algebra Cl(2,0) the next days…

‘Imaginary’ units that square to -1, 0, and 1 are very much connected to elliptic rotations, shear operations, and hyperbolic rotations respectively. This is in fact a continuous family of types of rotation, and is deeply linked to the symmetric and antisymmetric contributions from which a transformation matrix is built.

Shearing a line one dimension up that passes through the origin and looking at how the intersection with a plane one unit away from the origin is proportionally affected by the shear helps to reason about why the shear transformation is the best form of rotation to use as a tool to model lower dimensional translations.

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