Tclifford - a new GA crate for Rust

This crate is specifically designed for support of high-dimensional algebras of arbitrary signatures.
In order to define an algebra type, just use the declare_algebra! macro and specify the signature, and optionally the generator names. For example:

declare_algebra!(PGA3, [+,+,+,0], ["x", "y", "z", "n"]);
type MV = Multivector<f64, PGA3>; // A multivector type
type SMV = SparseMultivector<f64, PGA3>; // A sparse multivector type

The biggest feature of this crate distinguishing it from other GA libraries is support for a variation of Fast Fourier Transform, making geometric multiplication of high-dimensional multivectors asymptotically faster.

Multiplication of dense multivectors in up to 20 dimensions can be handled in reasonable time thanks to it. In 6 dimensions and higher, just use:

//let c: MV = &a * &b;                  // SLOW
let c: MV = (a.fft() * b.fft()).ifft(); // FAST

All while being able to handle arbitrary (including degenerate) signatures.

Currently, the crate is in early stages of development, and so far I don’t guarantee any stable API beyond the basic arithmetic operations.
I am interested in any feedback on what to change about this API before stabilizing it.
Documentation can be generated via cargo doc in the cloned repo.


tclifford v0.1.0 has been published!

You can use it by just adding

tclifford = "0.1.0"

dependency to your Cargo.toml

Docs are available at

For any bugreports please create an issue on github, or just post in this thread.

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