Study programs based on GA

This is what type of people are on the average american college campus

Yea I watch Carlson from time to time I know how bad it is, if you go to college you’re miseducated, if not udeducated at least officially…

This video demonstrates that the whole “lets join forces in academia” concept is a pipe dream, people can’t even agree on what the definition of gender is anymore, and it’s become a more important issue than anything of actual scientific importance.

I think that the way people do math is a reflection of their way of being. This whole civilisation is not in a very good state, which is interconnected with the stagnation in science and mathematics for over a hundred years.
If you think suppression of math ideas in academia is bad, you should take a peek at the physics side of things.
GR really got us nowhere, Dirac himself said his QFT was to be rethinked from very foundations and a fundamentally new theory brought out. Instead they are still patching up Infinities with endless random parameters and renormalizations.
Real physics including applied and theoretical, is not done in academia, but in Lockheed Martin, Egng, and in a industrial complex of deep black programs. Academis have been sent on running for their own tail with string theories…

Well never get access there, but at least we can pick up where math left of in 1900 and pick up its evolution from the true foundations.

The problems of academia run very deep, but I’d hoped a small group could start something free and positive.

And from my own experience, even in such trying circumstances, negativity will never help, as obvious that it is.
I think we all have some soul-searching to do, and with a positive attitude there may be a chance.