No academic institution supports my Grassmann.jl research

Even though everybody wants to imitate me and follow my footsteps in mathematics, I have not heard of any academic institution in the entire world which wants to support or facilitate my work.

This is because you are all selfish academic bureaucrats who do not want to admit where your inspiration came from.

Ulitmately, they are destined to look at my work and imitate me and follow my footsteps regardless.

I corrected so many misconceptions about geometric algebra, pointed out how wrong you are, but because you are so ashamed for being wrong it’s impossible to get any acknowledgement.

Well I already published my work for years and those people imitating me and follow my foot steps, just remember that you’re following footsteps you saw somebody else walk. Most likely you learned something from me or saw how I did my thing and took inspiration or I told you what your mistake is.

I’m not in the academic world, but my observation is that this is required to make progress there and in many other places.

I know you hate it, but there is no way around it.

@fractal97 i do not have time to baby sit academic bureaucrats and their politics, as i am busy doing actual work instead.

And that’s why you are where you are.

“Research done a few years ago under the auspices of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching uncovered a most important and significant fact—a fact later confirmed by additional studies made at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. These investigations revealed that even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15 percent of one’s financial success is due to one’s technical knowledge and about 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering—to personality and the ability to lead people.”

@fractal97 for several years now I am an international leader in this field, that’s where I am … so my position is rock solid.

Would you rather I followed academic policies? Then Grassmann.jl wouldn’t exist, because no academic bureaucrat ever “allowed” or “enabled” or “encouraged” any of my research.

If I had followed by the academic policies, then I wouldn’t be an international leader in science. That’s what the bureaucrats wanted, their policy is to stop people like me from being superior scientists.

Luckily, my competitors expend 85% of their time and effort on social politics. unlike them I can use that extra 85% to be the best in the world.

The quote was about financial success. That’s what you’re unhappy about.

If you consider it “success” to expend your effort and energy on social politics, then you are NOT a scientist, rather you are a parasite and a leech.

The fact that our society financially rewards counter productive people: this is the opposite of success, this is called demoralization.

This is a demoralized society which values superficial social politics over rewarding productive work.

The generals in Putin’s army also were financially successful and they won at politics … but they are a demoralized society of corruption, so all that corrupt financial success only lead to their collapse.

@fractal97 if your financial success is due to politics, then your society is demoralized, corrupt, and is going to collapse just like Putin’s russia is.

Don’t kill the messenger. You are very unhappy about the lack of financial support for your work. This is more than obvious from your posts. Not being broke I consider a success. So, if you want to be successful in that respect, then there is no way around but what the quote says.

@fractal97 I actually do not apply for jobs or institutions and have not done so for many years.

Wolfram Research reached out to me and invited me, i’m not the type of person who sends applications.

I’m never going to apply for any jobs or institutions, I only respond to invitations.

If the academic institutions cared about science, they’d be funding it and finding the right people.

I complain on the internet because there is nothing else to do in regards to the situation.

The institutions are obviously garbage, they are corrupt, and require politics.

I do not waste time on garbage, such as humans and their pathetic society.

If they cared about funding science, they’d do it. They can go to hell with their politics, because I’m never complying to politics.