People pay for math tutoring and pay for math classes, but they want Grassmann.jl to be handed over for free on a silver platter … explain that.
I already released Grassmann.jl as free software.
Nobody wants to pay or fund the projects I work on, but everyone expects me to spend all my time making it more documented and easier to use.
It’s already quite easy to use actually, it’s just not very documented because every single day I work on designing new math software, which results in more and more code to document, nobody is paying for.
And I would be happy to teach people who want to pay and support me for teaching and improving their lives. I’ve already helped countless other people in mathematics and software development for free, just for fun, but nobody wants to return me any favors or reward me for my efforts. I will continue to release more of my work as free software … but it’s never good enough for the people who refuse to pay.