If you are able to convince me that you’re not another copycat, but a collaborator; then I would be delighted to introduce those people to “hidden” features available with Grassmann.jl.
When there are actual people who acknowldge me as the author of my own work, then I will get comfortable publicly documenting these things. It is too big of an ask to get acknowledgement as an author in academia these days, plagiarism is the standard now a days. There are ZERO people who will stand up for me and the work I’ve done, so I will have to stand by myself as “old man shouts at cloud” style ~
The “community” has repeatedly shown me that nobody in academia or industry can be trusted to acknowledge me as the author of my own work.
I would especially appreciate collaboration with mathematics professors, as I cannot be expected to teach the mathematics for free, so the collaborator should already have experience at mathematics.
I will initially assume you are another copy cat who refuses to acknowledge me as the author of my own works, so you need to find a way around that. Also, I am not looking for friends or social activity. If that’s what you want, go find something else.