Circle Fitting in 3D

Hi. I am trying to implement the circle fitting algorithm shown here. This post is similar to this topic but I am trying the Matrix approach.

I have two problems in my implementation:

The first problem is that I can’t get the intersection of the spheres working as described in the paper. The normal works but the center and radius don’t. This must be a bug somewhere in my code but I can’t find it. I implemented a working sphere intersection as described here (see also here) but I would like to know my error in the geometric algebra approach.

The second problem is that I can find many cases where the normal calculation fails as well. I noticed that two eigenvalues are the same (resulting in the same spheres). This problem greatly improves when adding noise to the original points.

In my implementation I only consider the real part of the eigenvalues / eigenvectors. However I found cases with imaginary eigenvalues / eigenvectors. How should I consider imaginary values?

Here is my code:

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

struct Circle
    Eigen::Vector3d center;
    Eigen::Vector3d normal;
    double          radius = -1;

    // Changes circle representation from {center, normal, radius} to {pose, radius}.
    // - The circle is defined in its local coordinate system in the x-y plane, with the normal aligned with the z axis, the center in the origin and the radius as it is
    // - Applying the pose to points -- sampled on a circle in this local coordinate system -- moves those points onto the actual circle
    // - The x-axis of the pose will point towards the point 'align_x_point'
    // I use this for
    // - Creating point samples for this test
    // - Find circle coordinate system for my application (not shown here)
    bool poseAlignedWithPoint(const Eigen::Vector3d& align_x_point,
                              Eigen::Isometry3d&     pose) const
        // This implementation is similar to gluLookAt, but with different axes 🪓
        Eigen::Vector3d x      = align_x_point - center;
        const double    norm_x = x.norm();
        if (norm_x == 0)
            std::cerr << "align_x_point and center must be different points\n";
            return false;
        x /= norm_x;

        const double norm_z = normal.norm();
        if (norm_z == 0)
            std::cerr << "Invalid circle normal\n";
            return false;
        const Eigen::Vector3d z = normal / norm_z;

        const Eigen::Vector3d y = z.cross(x).normalized();

        // x and z don't necessarily have to be orthogonal. Make them orthogonal now.
        x = y.cross(z).normalized();

        Eigen::Matrix4d result = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();
        result.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = x;
        result.block<3, 1>(0, 1) = y;
        result.block<3, 1>(0, 2) = z;
        result.block<3, 1>(0, 3) = center;

        pose = Eigen::Isometry3d(result);

        return true;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Circle& circle)
    return os << "[center ["
              << std::setw(12) << << " "
              << std::setw(12) << << " "
              << std::setw(12) << << "]"
              << " normal ["
              << std::setw(12) << circle.normal.x() << " "
              << std::setw(12) << circle.normal.y() << " "
              << std::setw(12) << circle.normal.z() << "]"
              << " radius " << circle.radius << "]";

struct Sphere
    Eigen::Vector3d center;
    double          radius = -1;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Sphere& sphere)
    return os << "[center ["
              << std::setw(12) << << " "
              << std::setw(12) << << " "
              << std::setw(12) << << "]"
              << " radius " << sphere.radius << "]";

// For fitCircle: The references are according to the paper
// - "Leo Dorst: Total Least Squares Fitting of k-Spheres in n-D Euclidean Space Using an (n+2)-D Isometric Representation"
// -
// See also
// -
// -

using Vector5d    = Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 1>;
using Vector10d   = Eigen::Matrix<double, 10, 1>;
using Matrix5d    = Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 5>;
using Matrix5Xd   = Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, Eigen::Dynamic>;
using Matrix10x5d = Eigen::Matrix<double, 10, 5>;
using EigenSolver = Eigen::EigenSolver<Matrix5d>;

// Outer product in matrix form
// 5.4.2 on page 14
// [y^x] is the cross product matrix (skew symmetric matrix)
// 5.4.1 on page 14
// [1] is the 3x3 identity matrix
// 5.4.1 on page 14
Vector10d outerProduct(const Vector5d& y, const Vector5d& x)
    Matrix10x5d Y;
    Y <<  0,    -y(2),  y(1),  0,    0,
          y(2),  0,    -y(0),  0,    0,
         -y(1),  y(0),  0,     0,    0,
          y(3),  0,     0,    -y(0), 0,
          0,     y(3),  0,    -y(1), 0,
          0,     0,     y(3), -y(2), 0,
         -y(4),  0,     0,     0,    y(0),
          0,    -y(4),  0,     0,    y(1),
          0,     0,    -y(4),  0,    y(2),
          0,     0,     0,    -y(4), y(3);

    return Y * x;

// Extract sphere parameters from eigenvector (xyz is the sphere center and w is the sphere radius)
// 3.3, 3 on page 8
Sphere getSphere(const Vector5d& x)
    const Vector5d normalized = x.array() / x(3);

    Sphere sphere; = normalized.head<3>();
    sphere.radius = std::sqrt( - 2 * normalized(4));

    return sphere;

// Fits a circle through points in 3D
bool fitCircle(const Eigen::MatrixX3d& points, Circle& circle)
    if (points.rows() < 4)
        std::cerr << "Not enough points to fit circle " << points.rows() << " < 4\n";
        return false;

    const Eigen::Index N = points.rows();

    // Data matrix (3.3, 1 on page 8)
    Matrix5Xd D(5, N);
    D.topRows<3>() = points.transpose();
    D.row(4) = points.transpose().colwise().squaredNorm() / 2;

    // Indefinite metric matrix of CGA (3.3 on page 8)
    Matrix5d M;
    M << 1,  0,  0,  0,  0,
         0,  1,  0,  0,  0,
         0,  0,  1,  0,  0,
         0,  0,  0,  0, -1,
         0,  0,  0, -1,  0;

    // eq (24) on page 8
    const Matrix5d P = (D * D.transpose() * M).array() / static_cast<double>(N);

    // 3.3, 2 on page 8
    const EigenSolver solver(P);
    const Vector5d& eigenvalues  = solver.eigenvalues().real();
    const Matrix5d& eigenvectors = solver.eigenvectors().real();

    std::cerr << "eigenvalues^T\n";
    std::cerr << solver.eigenvalues().transpose() << "\n\n";
    std::cerr << "eigenvectors\n";
    std::cerr << solver.eigenvectors() << "\n\n";

    // Select two best fitting spheres: minimum non-negative eigenvalue & eigenvector
    Eigen::Index min_ind[2] = {eigenvalues.rows(), eigenvalues.rows()}; // Initialize with out-of-bound index
    double       min_val[2] = {std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        for (Eigen::Index row = 0; row < eigenvalues.rows(); ++row)
            if (row != min_ind[0])
                const double val = eigenvalues(row);
                if (val >= 0 && val < min_val[i])
                    min_ind[i] = row;
                    min_val[i] = val;
    if (min_ind[0] >= 5 || min_ind[1] >= 5)
        std::cerr << "fitCircle failed [" << min_ind[0] << " || " << min_ind[1] << "] >= 5\n";
        return false;

    // Best fitting spheres
    const Vector5d x1 = eigenvectors.col(min_ind[0]);
    const Vector5d x2 = eigenvectors.col(min_ind[1]);

    std::cerr << "Sphere 1 (index " << min_ind[0] << ") = " << getSphere(x1) << "\n";
    std::cerr << "Sphere 2 (index " << min_ind[1] << ") = " << getSphere(x2) << "\n\n";

    // Extract circle parameters
    // Circle is the intersection of the 2 best-fitting spheres,
    // with the 10-D bivector basis {e23, e31, e12 | eo1, eo2, eo3 | e1inf e2inf e3inf | eoinf}
    // 5.4.1, page 14 and comments on eq (31)
    // TODO: Doesn't work right now (This works
    const Vector10d outer = outerProduct(x1, x2);

    const Eigen::Vector3d& neg_alpha_n = outer.segment<3>(3);
    const double           alpha       = neg_alpha_n.norm();
    circle.normal                      = -neg_alpha_n / alpha;

    const double B0 = outer(9);
    const double B1 = outer(0);
    const double B2 = outer(1);
    const double B3 = outer(2);

    Eigen::Matrix3d B;
    B <<  B0, -B3,  B2,
          B3,  B0, -B1,
         -B2,  B1,  B0; = (B * circle.normal) / circle.normal.squaredNorm(); // eq (33). TODO: Why divide through normal.squaredNorm() == 1?

    const Eigen::Vector3d& v_inf = outer.segment<3>(6);
    const double           cn    =;

    circle.radius = std::sqrt( - 2 * / alpha - 2 * cn * cn);

    return true;


void testFitCircle(const Eigen::Vector3d& center,
                   const Eigen::Vector3d& normal,
                   const double           radius,
                   const int              n_samples,
                   const bool             add_noise,
                   const double           noise)
    Circle original_circle; = center;
    original_circle.normal = normal;
    original_circle.radius = radius;

    // Sample points on circle in x-y plane
    Eigen::MatrixX3d original_samples = Eigen::MatrixX3d(n_samples, 3);

    for (int i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i)
        const double alpha = static_cast<float>(i) / static_cast<float>(n_samples) * 2 * M_PI;

        original_samples.row(i) = original_circle.radius * Eigen::Vector3d(std::cos(alpha),

    if (add_noise)
        original_samples += static_cast<double>(noise) * Eigen::MatrixX3d::Random(n_samples, 3);

    // Align points in the x-y plane with the actual circle
    Eigen::Isometry3d original_pose;

    Eigen::Vector3d align_x_point = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
    if (!original_circle.poseAlignedWithPoint(align_x_point, original_pose))

    original_samples = (original_pose * original_samples.transpose()).transpose();

    // Fit
    std::cerr << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
    std::cerr << "Fitting circle through " << n_samples << " samples";
    if (add_noise)
        std::cerr << ", adding noise " << noise;
    std::cerr << ":\n" << original_samples.transpose() << "\n\n";

    Circle fitted_circle;
    if (!fitCircle(original_samples, fitted_circle))

    std::cerr << "Original circle " << original_circle << "\n";
    std::cerr << "Fitted   circle " << fitted_circle   << "\n\n";

int main()
    // Normal is correct and everything would work if using
    testFitCircle(Eigen::Vector3d(1, 2, -5),
                  Eigen::Vector3d(1, 1.5, 2).normalized(),

    // Normal is incorrect as well
    // First sphere is fine but second sphere has really big radius
    testFitCircle(Eigen::Vector3d(1.3, 2, -5),
                  Eigen::Vector3d(1, 1.5, 2).normalized(),

    // Results in complex eigenvalues / vectors.
    // Also chosen eigenvalues result in the same sphere
    testFitCircle(Eigen::Vector3d(1, 2, -5),
                  Eigen::Vector3d(1, 1.5, 2).normalized(),

    return 0;

And this is the output of the program:

Fitting circle through 11 samples:
0.671261  1.13879  1.56226  1.80721  1.79588  1.53186  1.09898 0.634674 0.286355 0.164613 0.308101
 1.41695  1.25669  1.33242  1.62011   2.0284  2.42768  2.69118  2.73523  2.54585  2.18316  1.76233
-4.39835 -4.51191 -4.78045 -5.11869 -5.41924 -5.58669 -5.56787 -5.36876 -5.05256 -4.71968  -4.4758

      (-0.81,0)       (0.405,0)       (0.405,0) (3.35024e-13,0) (2.55026e-15,0)

   (-0.061049,0)   (-0.0475146,0)     (0.730608,0)   (-0.0655981,0)    (-0.510396,0)
   (-0.122098,0)    (-0.141551,0)    (-0.343841,0)    (-0.130625,0)    (-0.841765,0)
    (0.305245,0)      (0.12992,0)    (-0.107423,0)     (0.319987,0)    (0.0456009,0)
   (-0.061049,0)  (-2.9814e-15,0) (-2.70384e-09,0)   (-0.0644547,0)    (-0.152342,0)
   (-0.940459,0)    (-0.980218,0)      (0.58004,0)    (-0.933857,0)   (-0.0751043,0)

Sphere 1 (index 4) = [center [     3.35033       5.5255    -0.299333] radius 6.39214]
Sphere 2 (index 3) = [center [     1.01774      2.02661     -4.96452] radius 0.901267]

Original circle [center [           1            2           -5] normal [    0.371391     0.557086     0.742781] radius 0.9]
Fitted   circle [center [    0.163748     0.276457    -0.104203] normal [    0.371391     0.557086     0.742781] radius nan]

Fitting circle through 11 samples:
0.933244   1.3974  1.83063   2.0954  2.10762  1.86344  1.44036 0.972725 0.608994 0.464653 0.585528
 1.44108  1.26153  1.31645  1.58838  1.99101  2.39649  2.67608  2.74103   2.5707  2.21918  1.79807
-4.39743 -4.49485 -4.75265 -5.08899 -5.39707 -5.57908 -5.57724 -5.39213 -5.08252 -4.74671 -4.49132

       (-0.81,0)        (0.405,0)        (0.405,0)  (3.46434e-13,0) (-1.87525e-15,0)

  (-0.0777242,0)    (-0.714297,0)   (-0.0551069,0)   (-0.0815025,0)    (-0.528214,0)
   (-0.119576,0)     (0.369647,0)    (-0.134204,0)    (-0.125386,0)    (-0.798531,0)
    (0.298939,0)    (0.0799133,0)     (0.128206,0)     (0.313166,0)    (-0.112542,0)
  (-0.0597879,0)  (2.68278e-09,0) (-2.16097e-15,0)   (-0.0626541,0)    (-0.124196,0)
   (-0.941659,0)    (-0.588858,0)    (-0.981079,0)    (-0.935755,0)     (0.235049,0)

Sphere 1 (index 3) = [center [     1.30083      2.00125     -4.99834] radius 0.900003]
Sphere 2 (index 1) = [center [-2.66252e+08  1.37785e+08  2.97874e+07] radius 3.01268e+08]

Original circle [center [         1.3            2           -5] normal [    0.371391     0.557086     0.742781] radius 0.9]
Fitted   circle [center [ 0.000660719     0.135089    -0.245816] normal [   -0.883773      0.45735    0.0988737] radius nan]

Fitting circle through 11 samples:
 0.360786   1.26988   2.09329   2.56958   2.54755   2.03418   1.19246  0.289645 -0.387643 -0.624364  -0.34536
 0.866299  0.554676  0.701933   1.26132   2.05523    2.8316   3.34395    3.4296   3.06137   2.35615   1.53786
 -3.83012  -4.05095  -4.57309  -5.23078   -5.8152  -6.14079   -6.1042  -5.71703   -5.1022  -4.45493  -3.98072

               (-3.0625,0)                (1.53125,0)                (1.53125,0)  (2.12778e-15,1.57176e-14) (2.12778e-15,-1.57176e-14)

        (-0.0573273,0)          (-0.730608,0)         (-0.0475146,0) (0.0580404,-0.0874084)  (0.0580404,0.0874084)
         (-0.114655,0)           (0.343841,0)          (-0.141551,0)   (0.118844,-0.149754)    (0.118844,0.149754)
          (0.286637,0)           (0.107423,0)            (0.12992,0)  (-0.328881,0.0861598) (-0.328881,-0.0861598)
        (-0.0573273,0)        (1.39055e-09,0)       (-1.12417e-15,0) (0.0635659,-0.0372824)  (0.0635659,0.0372824)
         (-0.947692,0)           (-0.58004,0)          (-0.980218,0)   (0.889307,-0.201391)    (0.889307,0.201391)

Sphere 1 (index 3) = [center [    0.913074      1.86961     -5.17385] radius 1.76558]
Sphere 2 (index 4) = [center [    0.913074      1.86961     -5.17385] radius 1.76558]

Original circle [center [           1            2           -5] normal [    0.371391     0.557086     0.742781] radius 1.75]
Fitted   circle [center [ 4.56673e-19 -1.15292e-18  2.94017e-18] normal [   -0.352206     0.888888     0.292966] radius nan]