Hi again all, thanks for the interesting discussion. It is still a little bit over my head unfortunately.
Mainly your sanity
The ordering as “chosen” is just easier to follow since we already have a “natural” ordering from the natural numbers after all.
This was one of our initial choices where we decided (perhaps somewhat arbitrarily) that e01, e02, and e03 would occupy our initial edges.
Ok, so you you “somewhat arbitrarily” picked e0 as a starting point, and made outward pointing edges from e0 to all the other things, and had you chosen e1 instead, you would have just ended up with another ordering (which would have worked fine, just been less obvious).
The goal was ultimately to define the map with the involutory and grade-reversing properties we wanted.
Ok, this is where I’m a bit lost. My understanding of the grade-reversing properties are that we want to match the grade-0 thing with the grade-max thing and the grade-1 things with the grade-(max-1) things. I don’t see how the direction of the edges has any relationship to that property. I am unclear on what the involutory properties are.
So, after choosing 01, 02, 03 as the starting points, you then do 12, 23, 31. I’m guessing this is a little bit arbitrary as well, and you could have done 13, 32, 21?
Or if we had 5 points we could start with 01, 02, 03, 04 and then 12, 23, 34, 41. Now we need to decide on an ordering for 13 and 24, and it seems like we could pick any of those independently (i.e. we have 4 options here). Does that sound accurate?
Finally, even once I’ve got the directions figured out for the edges. I’m still not clear on how to translate that into the end product (1, e0, e1, e2, e3, e01, e02, etc). My assumption was that if I just took some ordering like 230, then I could check the direction of 2->3, 3->0, and 0->2, count the number of times I was going against the arrow (2->3 no, 3->0 yes, 0->2 no) and if that was odd (in this case yes), then reversing the order of two adjacent items so I get 320 (or 203). I don’t think that is actually correct though.