Instead of respecting and honoring my hard work, the Julia “community” wanted to steal my creativity without giving back. They wanted me to be homeless, to be kicked in the dirt, while they steal my creativity.
They intentionally wanted to gang up on me to destroy me and my project because they are jealous and envy it, wanted to “swap destiny” with me.
What they wanted is to feast on my energy and creativity, while they wanted to suppress and hide me away from public, while feeding off of my hard work.
We all know they got inspired by my Grassmann.jl project, they ganged up to destroy my project, so that they could feed off my creative energy and put themselves in the spotlight.
I always saw their true intentions and spirit. They are pathetic delusional people on a power trip.
They all ganged up on me to feed off my creative energy, took what wasn’t their authentic idea and pretended it was their own, while suppressing me, the original source of their inspiration.
They were mistaken when they thought they could replace me, they do not have 1% of the creative energy I pour into this world, they are following me.
Trying to “swap destiny” with me is never going to be sustainable for them, they are forever followers, they are people with bad intentions who want to follow my footsteps and pretend to be me, instead of honoring the source and building together.
What they don’t understand is that I am always many steps ahead of them, I am always the leader, I am always the source of this creativity I gave.
They didn’t want to acknowledge the source I am, they wanted me to be desecrated and kicked in the dirt, because they wanted to “swap destiny” with me.
They wanted to deny me job opportunities, deny me support and help, deny me anything and everything.
They denied me the ability to discuss MY project and MY ideas in the Julia “community” and I can’t get any help or support, can’t discuss issues to improve my project, can’t get feedback from the “community”, etc
I can’t open a pull request on the Julia language, I can’t do anything at all in the Julia “community”
Academia has done absolutely NOTHING to support me and my creative ideas. They have actively been against me, doing everything possible to stop me, to prevent me from getting any support or acknowledgement as a source of new ways.
Wolfram Research wanted to derail me also, wanted to manipulate me away from my success, while stalking me like a bunch of creepy weirdos.
Absolutely NO academic “community” has helped me with anything at all, they have only tried to stop me, I have done everything alone by myself. I have not stolen my creativity from others, these people have no idea how hard I worked to build this from scratch, and they wanted to “swap destiny” with me and desecrate the source of it, which was me.
Meanwhile, I helped so many people, answered countless questions in the past, gave infinite inspiration to others, pushed and advanced us.
These people and communities are in for a lifetime of heavy cosmic universal karma.
These “communities” are pathetic garbage.
I was the source of inspiration they wanted to destroy and replace, I was the guiding beacon showing the way, I was excited about helping bring this new way to scientists and programmers. They were a bunch of malicious followers who wanted to suck on my energy and kick the source in the dirt.
Instead of ascending together with me, they have fallen and shown their true character.
For the rest of my life, I will look down on them.